Restore Your Vintage Straight Razor
Many prefer vintage straight razors over modern straight razors. Apart from the history that comes with each cutthroat straight razor there is the steel makeup itself which cannot be recreated because the worlds steel stocks rotate using different compounds. A great example of this is vintage Sheffield steel. This carbon steel can deliver outstanding edges. The metal can seem somewhat malleable on the hones as opposed to some modern steels which tend to be more brittle. Hence many seek out the vintage Sheffield wedge straight razors because they are renown for producing exceptionally smooth edges.
Edge Dynamics offers a full restoration service. Every straight razor is an individual case. Please call to discuss or forward your photos to Edge Dynamics for options and estimates.
Straight Razor Restoration Service Includes
Edge restoration: Including chips / Frowns / Smiles / Hooked Heels
Custom Scales made from materials such as: Hard Woods / Stabilized Woods / Plastics / Horn / Bone
Customized wedges & Collars
When looking to buy a vintage straight razor for use there are factors to consider.
Hone wear is important. This is the wear caused by sharpening a straight razor on an abrasive hone. Years ago, electrical tape was not available to protect the spine, therefore, spines became worn which can affect the geometry of the straight razor.
Condition is of great importance. Pitting or rust near the bevel can be a big problem, not allowing the bevel to become set correct and proper.
Geometry is sometimes overlooked and impossible to judge unless the razor is in hand. Looking down the spine for alignment is good practice. Placing the blade face on a flat surface and touching all four corners (nose/heel) individually searching for any wobble or unevenness.
No vintage razor is guaranteed to be able to take an edge. This is why it is good practice to establish a bevel set on a vintage straight razor before any restoration work is carried out.
Quick Contact
+44 (0)7557385501
Edge Dynamics, PO Box 673, Greenford, UB5 9SE, UK
Why Edge Dynamics?
We are passionate about honing straight razors to produce only the smoothest, sharpest edge possible. At Edge Dynamics, we offer you first-class, personal honing that includes all finishing touches and a properly stropped edge.