Shoubudani Natural Honing Service


For just £45 you can order a natural progression that uses up to six different Nagura stones performed on a Nakayama Maruka or a Shobudani Asagi.

This progression starts with a Tsushima Nagura or a Botan and is followed through with Tenjou, Mejiro, Koma and Tomo. Each Nagura stone will be used to make a slurry on the base stone (Nakayama / Shobudani). This slurry is then worked, thinned and diluted until the Honemeister feels it is time for the next Nagura stone slurry. Eventually finishing with a Tomo Nagura slurry which is carefully selected by the Honemeister, depending on the qualities of the steel. This progression is time consuming but leads to the best edges, extremely sharp and totally smooth.

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