Shop From Our Vintage And Classic Straight Razors

honing services
A time-honoured tradition that spans hundreds of years, the art of straight-razor shaving is a truly classic practice. Over the years, craftsmen have been perfecting the art of honing these blades, creating the sharpest, smoothest edge for the optimum shaving experience. Our Honemeister has practised his craft for over a decade, mastering the wide range of modern honing practices and technologies. He has spent thousands of hours honing and restoring new and vintage blades from around the world.
Regular honing will ensure your blade’s edges are kept at their optimum. You can truly feel the difference in an expert Honemeister’s work. Based in London, Edge Dynamics, is your all-around solution for all straight razor needs. Since quality honing is hard to come by, we offer our services to clients worldwide, sharing the joy of a well-honed razor with the world. Shaving with a razor honed by our Honemeister delivers a superb experience, with skin that is smooth, invigorated and irritation-free. Take the time to enjoy your shave, with a perfectly honed blade.
honing services

Our Services



For quality straight razors, we offer either a natural or a synthetic progression, finished on a hone of your choice. Our Honemeister is a master at using both natural and synthetic stones to achieve the best results.

Restoration & Customization

Restoration & Customization

We offer a full restoration and customisation service for your straight razor. This includes grinding, buffing, re-scaling, pinning, edge correction and more. We take care to return all vintage blades to their former glory.


Purchase Vintage Razors

Edge Dynamics sells a range of vintage and classic straight razors. Our collection of beautiful vintage blades from around the world, many of which are Sheffield Steel, have all been lovingly and meticulously restored.

honing services

Our Process

Since every blade is unique, we treat each razor with individual attention. We select the perfect stones for your blade type and condition. Our talented Honemeister works with both synthetic water hones, and quality natural hones that include Japanese Natural Stones, and Nagura progressions. These high-quality stones, paired with expert craftsmanship, ensure the perfect razor edge. Stropping is performed on Suede, Linen and then Shell Cordovan for an exceptional edge.
razor honing process
honing services

About Edge Dynamics

About Us

We are passionate about honing straight razors to produce only the smoothest, sharpest edge possible. At Edge Dynamics, we offer you first-class, personal honing that includes all finishing touches and a properly stropped edge. Our goal is to provide the perfect end-to-end service to every customer, offering the full range of straight razor services. We’re dedicated to exceptional customer service, striving to ensure you are always happy with our work.

The Honemeister

Our Honemeister has dedicated over a decade to mastering the art of honing. Through this time, he has acquired thousands of hours of experience and created spectacular shaving edges on all types of straight razor metals and grinds. He has spent many years perfecting the art of honing on synthetic water hones, such as Naniwa Chosera Stones, and Shapton Glass Stones. Inevitably, this passion for honing led on to natural stones, specifically Japanese Natural Stones and various Nagura progressions. Mastering the use of these natural stones is pivotal to the creation of exquisite razor edges. Expert honing delivers a superb edge that is sharp enough to shave against the grain, leaving the skin smooth, reinvigorated and irritation-free.

honing services

Connect with us

We Provide A Personalised, All-Around Solution For All Your Straight-Edge Razor Needs. Click Here To Get In Touch To Discuss How We Can Help Improve Your Blade.

+44 (0)7557385501


Edge Dynamics
PO Box 673

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+44 (0)7557385501

Edge Dynamics, PO Box 673, Greenford, UB5 9SE, UK

Why Edge Dynamics?

We are passionate about honing straight razors to produce only the smoothest, sharpest edge possible. At Edge Dynamics, we offer you first-class, personal honing that includes all finishing touches and a properly stropped edge.


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